

Shutter priority mode
Shutter speed: 1/400
Aperture: f/6.0
Focal length: 240 mm
No flash
ISO: 160 
Metering: spot
Lens: Nikkor 70-300-mm
Filter: circular polarized
White balance: custom; I used a expodisc that I place over the lens to achieve the desired WB 
I also tried capturing the dancer using the manual mode and the full sun pre set WB but I liked the results of this setting more so. I wish I would have been able to get some different angles and I should have tried different metering modes. The photo I took of her on manual mode (not the same image) I changed it to a black and white image to better help me see the highlights and shadows. What I do like about this image is the dancer was totally engrossed in what she was doing and didn't pose, the photo was purely candid.

1 comment:

  1. Paula, I wanted to come back and comment on this stunning photo. What effective use of spot metering! There is so much detail and texture in her black shirt. And the pose you caught is just magnificent. A painter could not have posed her better. The depth of field highlights her beautifully. This image evokes grace and strength. Well done!
