
Linda Woj

Grays Harbor NWR for the Birds??? Plenty of birds far, far, far away. On the walk out Tony stopped to do a "wife check." I took the opportunity, while walking, to snap a photo. I can't explain why but I like the result. Settled on the following settings as they seemed to give me the best histogram throughout the day. Canon Rebel xTI, shutter 1/4, Aperture f36, ISO 800, Lens 70-300, Focal length 300mm, W/B Daylight.

Bubbles... Annual family BBQ at Golden Gardens State Park in Seattle. Great Uncle Tony entertains the little ones. Background is too dark and busy. Shots with the children were even worse. Discovered shooting bubbles can be a challenge, a faster shutter speed will produce a clear picture of bubbles on a windy day. Shutter speed 1/4, Aperture 36, ISO 800, Lens 7-300, W/B Daylight, Focal length 300mm.

Tumwater Falls park. Cloudy afternoon Light. Using a Tripod. Catching the water and make it look smooth by using the slow shutter speed. 1/5 sec Aperture f/28, ISO 100, focal length 56.0 mm, Nikon 40D , White Balance Auto.

Shannon - Stopped Action

I took this photo while playing with shutter priority because I was trying to shoot some bluebirds going to their nests. The "click" of my camera scared these ducks, and I only had time time to turn and get a picture of it. I find the angle of the ducks legs interesting and I never knew they ran across the water before they took off.
(Picture taken @ Marathon Park w/Nikon D40 on Shutter priority, ISO:200, W/B:Cloudy, f/4.5, S 1/800)


Dance Fever

Amy Ridgeway "Let's Hear It For the Boy"

This is a picture of my son in one of his group competition dances from this past weekend. I used a fairly fast shutter speed to freeze the action, so I kept the shutter speed at 1/200. The one thing that I definitely would do differently is to use a lower ISO. At ISO 1250, I got alot of noise. The bottom picture below turned out better--I was impressed by the noticeable difference between ISO 1000 and 1250. The fact that teh aperture for this was f/5.0 (whereas my lens could open up to f/3.5) told me that I could have used a lower ISO and not had to sacrifice shutter speed since I was not concerned much with depth of field.

Settings: 1/200, f/5.0, ISO 1250, 70mm, Canon 40D, Great Wolf Lodge

Amy Ridgeway "Dirty Boogie"

This is another picture of my son in one of his group competition dances. I took many pictures of each dance, hoping to catch a good shot. I knew that I needed a fairly fast shutter speed to freeze the action, so I tried to keep all my pictures around 1/200 or faster, which meant I had to jack up the ISO since flashes were not allowed. I would have tried to move in closer so I could have cropped it in the camera instead of in the software.
Settings: 1/250, f/4.5, ISO 1000, 60mm, Canon 40D, Great Wolf Lodge

Portraits by Mikki

2009 Senior,
Megan Nelson
Bethel High School

Mikki: Action Shots

Seagull in Flight @ Lumi Island. Using Tripod and morning side light/Shutter Speed 1/1600 sec.
Pops' Rody's with Bee in Flight. Using Tripod. Shutter Speed 1/1600sec, Aperture f/5.6, ISO 400,focal length 100mm, Nikon D80, White Balance Auto. Lynden, Wa.

Smooth Water. Morning Light in Shadows. Using Tripod. I enjoyed learning how to catch the water and make it look smooth by using the slow shutter speed. 1/1.6, Aperture f/34, ISO 800, focal length 122mm, Nikon D80m , White Balance Auto, Whatcom Falls, Bellingham, Wa.


Shutter: 1/5
Aperture: f/16
Focal length: 280mm
Meter: spot
 ISO: 800

Shutter: 1/125
Aperture: f/2.8 
Focal length: 6mm
ISO: 64
Flash : on


Suzanne - Shutter Priority

Shutter 3.2 sec
Aperture f/22
Focal length 26 mm
ISO 400
WB Fluorescent
Apparently spot metering was on, though that was inadvertent. Had an unsuccessful day shooting outdoors, so I splashed some water around the kitchen sink and tried this. I used my Gorillapod and a cable release.

Found this at the comic store.


Shutter Assignment - Linda M

ISO 200, shutter 1/40, f/6.3, 146 mm, spot meter, awb white balance, tripod. I was taking pics of the ground fountain and saw this guy taking a drink so  quick snapped without a thought to the settings. I like the water stop action. The histogram is even all the way across. Oh yes, I also had the polarized lens on. 

Violin Angel


Meagan MacKenzie - shutter speed

My whole attention at this laser show last week (Pacific Science Center) was taking photos on various shutter speeds. These are 2 of the same light pattern, both at 24mm, ISO 200, f4. The top is .8 sec., while the bottom is 2.5 sec. These aren't the coolest pics I got from the show, but they were the best demonstration of how changing shutter speeds made the image totally different. Just as fun as fireworks!!

Capturing Space Needle New Years Eve Fireworks

from the comfort of the living room and not having a two hour drive home


Jennifer Holder-Capital Fieldtrip


Nikon D200
Aperture: f/4.8
Shutter: 1/6
ISO: 160
Focal length: 140mm
Metering: spot 
WB: Pre
The histogram levels were in the mid tones & less in the bright tones
I chose these setting to keep the purple nail polish in focus and blur the background.

Steve - Aperture Assignment (Capitol Bldg)

I really like this picture. I like the shadows in this picture from the light. I took it with of the Nikon Cool Pix L-12. Settings are F/2.8, ISO 257, and focal Length is 5.7 mm

This was photo was taken with the Canon 40D. F/ 2.8 , Shutter Speed 1/12 sec, ISO 800, Focal length 28.0 mm. I liked the designed with a bowl look, a 3D effect.

This Photo was taken with the Canon 40D. F/ 8.0 , Shutter Speed 1/25 sec, ISO 800, focal length 28.0 mm. This photo has a lot of different designs and things going on in it.


Darren Nebergall - Field Trip Photos


This was shot on our field trip. 
1/320, f/8, ISO 1600, 30mm, Coudy WB

I like the combination of the straight lines and curved lines here, as well as the light patterns coming through the window.  I tend to shoot on "aperture priority" most of the time because I like to control the depth-of-field.  I chose f/8 here because I wanted everything in focus.  Clouny WB was warmer so I went with it.  I wish I would have noticed that the shutter speed was plenty high enough....then I would have lowered my ISO to 800 or 400 to reduce noise. 

On a whim, I also converted this to b&w....since we had talked about that in class too.  I like them both and can't decide if I like one over the other..... any thoughts?

Shannon Field Trip - "Caledonia Your're Calling"

This is not my best picture from Sunday this is my ONLY picture. (The photos from inside the Capitol would frighten small children) I was playing around with a pl filter for the first time. The picture almost works for me but not quite. I wish I hadn't cropped (in camera) too close and had more of the bass drone or tassle. (Shot w/ Nikon D40 @55mm, A, WB Sunlight, ISO 400, f/13 1/320 Pl filter. Histogram from R to L : Quick Mini Peak of all colors, then little evenly spaced warts of R, G, B smearing almost to the end but not quite.)

Shannon- Apperture Assignment "Approaching Lavender"

Umm... I learned a beginners exercise in Depth of Field should not include millions of tiny flowers and clear glass. My thought was to focus on the first one then gradually lose focus leading back...Anyway, I had cropping issues and will try to re-shoot the picture this week at a different angle. Also it looks lighter on the blog than on my screen. (Used a NikonD40 @ 55mm, ISO 800, WB: Sunlight, f/5.6, 1/50 Metering: Spot (but forgotten about.) Histogram from R to L. Blue goes from end to end with a soft peak in middle, Red & Green Peak early and then taper out 2/3rds across.)

Sam Prescott - Apperture Assignment "Ed Inlet"

The sunrise shot was taken with a Nikon D50 @55mm, WB:?, ISo: 200, f/11, shutter 1/500. The histogram peaked far to the left and then tapered out across to the right. I liked it anyway.

Capitol Entertainment - Field Trip Assignment (Sam Prescott)

This photo was shot using a Nikon D50 @ 200mm, WB: Incandescent, ISO: 1600, f/5.6, 1/40 on a tripod. I had forgotten to to change my WB and ISO after shooting on the dungeon-like Senate Floor. (For those of you interested, the Olympia Flute Choir Spring Concert will be 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Sunday 10 May, in the Capitol Rotunda).

Linda Woj - Architecture - Black & White

Shutter 1/30, Aperture 32, ISO 800, WB Cloudy
Shutter 1/25, Aperture 4.0, ISO 800, WB Fluorescent

Shutter 1/125, Aperture 18, ISO 400, WB Sunny


Capitol Building Field Trip/Aperture Assignment

Taken at ISO 1600, this photo is somewhat noisy, but I still think it's interesting. White balance was set to daylight and the aperture was f/6.3.

Ann Essko - Doh! (Homer Simpson Head Slap)

I don't have any pictures from our field trip to the Capitol because I forgot to take the polarizing lens off my camera and the result was pitiful. Instead, I offer these three photos. The vests are from the Dragon Boat Races (1/15 sec, f/22, ISO 200, WB daylight). The Elderberry is from Nisqually last week (1/8 sec, f/32, ISO 200, WB ?, with the water photoshopped to look blue, like an Asian tapestery, even tho' I usually turn up my nose at such antics). The Wild Ginger is from yesterday afternoon at Watershed Park (1/30 sec, f/11, ISO 200, WB cloudy)

State Capitol- Linda Murphy

AP, f/5.6,1/60, spot meter, shade wb, ISO 100. I think the polarizer lens would have given me some sky color. 

James MacKenzie - One photo from field trip

Shoe Garden

James MacKenzie - Aperture Assignment

1/50 sec.

"Ghosts in the Secret Stairwell" - Barbra

I think that this picture would have looked better if I had my polerizer on.

I still like it though.

Shutter speed 1/640

Aperture 5.0

ISO 200

White balance was set to sunny.