Grays Harbor NWR for the Birds??? Plenty of birds far, far, far away. On the walk out Tony stopped to do a "wife check." I took the opportunity, while walking, to snap a photo. I can't explain why but I like the result. Settled on the following settings as they seemed to give me the best histogram throughout the day.
Canon Rebel xTI, shutter 1/4, Aperture f36, ISO 800, Lens 70-300, Focal length 300mm, W/B Daylight.
Bubbles... Annual family BBQ at Golden Gardens State Park in Seattle. Great Uncle Tony entertains the little ones. Background is too dark and busy. Shots with the children were even worse. Discovered shooting bubbles can be a challenge, a faster shutter speed will produce a clear picture of bubbles on a windy day.
Shutter speed 1/4, Aperture 36, ISO 800, Lens 7-300, W/B Daylight, Focal length 300mm.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....