I took this photo at f/27, 1/10 sec, ISO 400, white balance: cloudy. I was trying for a large depth of field, visible clouds in the blue sky, and a visible reflection in the water. I like the subtle colors and the depth of field. If I could do it over I would move the camera slightly to the left to capture: (1) the trunk of the tree that is just outside the left frame of this image, and (2) one-third less of the foliage on the right of this image. I would also try again on a day with more sunlight.
Now, see, I really like the composition & wouldn't want it farther to the left. The draping branches on the right lead my eye down to the water. I always like how the sky looks different in the water than it does in the sky. I'm pretty convinced it's 2 different worlds, and you did a great job capturing that. I also really love the greens and browns. If you used Gaussian blur on this, it would look like an Impressionist painting. This picture is really relaxing to me. Thanks -- I needed it today!