Shutter: 1/160, F/4.2, ISO 200 White Balance: Sunny
After the field trip on Sunday I went into a restaurant to eat and these sparkly glasses caught my eye. Mid-way through my lunch I realized that my camera settings were still for the sunny lake and not the restaurant. I went back and tried the same glasses but adjusted, then played with, my white balance. The new photos had all the excitement of used dishwater. My original "mistake" delighted me. I tried to re-shoot it the next day but the bar was full (on a Monday at 1pm?!). If I was to do it again I would put more thought into the composition and know what I wanted with the sparkly object, not just chase blindly after it.
What a great mistake! I might have cropped the bottom a tad...if it was my photo.
ReplyDeleteAre you both night owls TOO? 3:08 am.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking for myself...most of the time...this was unusually late.