
Shannon Marie Prescott -- Dragon Boat Races


  1. And you were saying what about your camera?????

  2. Great set of photos, Shannon. I particularly like they boy in the yellow jacket. His skin tone, expression, and the rich folds in the jacket show up beautifully and the composition is also excellent. You have to wonder what he was reacting to.

  3. What an excellent set of photos. Makes me quite jealous! Love the hand shots.
    The hand on the cymbals is beautifully positioned and leads my eye to the Chinese characters printed on the cymbal.
    The boat shot is also a favourite. The colour is great. Its amazing that you captured the uniformity of the hands and angle of the oars. Why didn't I see that?

  4. Hey! I tried to get that hands on the paddles shot & failed miserably; thanks for getting it! My fav is the hands on the cymbals. What a great idea to focus on hands generally & 2 amazing results here. The boy is wonderful, too - expression you caught & the colors. Your pics came out way brighter than mine and still have great color; did you use a polarizer?

  5. Love the image of the bike! I looked right at the same thing and walked on by - bravo for seeing and capturing something wonderful. And the cymbals/hands image is gorgeous too.

  6. I really liked the cymbals picture. Everything fit together very nicely from the way that the 2 cymbals were positioned, to the location of the hand. The paddles picture showed how things can be very similar yet dissimilar at the same time.
