This is not my picture for our weekly assignment, but my 3 favorite pictures of the ones I took today. One is a portrait of our class photo model; one is of the seal in the rotunda; and one is the snare drummer from the music group playing at the end of our field trip.
Mikki--thank you for setting this up! Shannon--my menfolk loved the chocolat au pains that I brought home for them :-).
I am glad to hear you like the pastries, what I really like is the photo of the snare drummer. The limited colors lend a simpleness to the scene but all the details (drum,cymbal,music) tell a more interesting story. I like the fact that the focus is on the front hand which is stopped in motion, yet the back (further a field) hand is slightly blurred with motion, completing the story. Very nice.
ReplyDelete...uh P.S. I like the lighting in all of the pictures. Would you mind listing your settings?
ReplyDeleteSorry, forgot the settings! The snare drummer was my most favorite picture as well.
1/30 f/5.0 ISO 1600 spot metering 80mm lens length
1/100 f/4.0 ISO 800 spot metering 85mm lens length
1/50 f/5.6 ISO 200 spot metering 55mm lens length
Ditto on Shannon's comments for the drummer + I like how the arm right in the upper corner leads my eye down to the hand & drum. I like how you can see the "1889" on the seal & the light making it look so golden. Very nice! I wonder how much of George's face would have been in focus w/ an f8 (& how much that would've slowed the shutter speed); did you try any on a narrower aperture?