
Jonathan Halling - Capitol Building Field Trip

Histogram looks horrible, but I sort of like the picture anyway.
White Balance -Daylight
Aperture Priority
F/Stop 5.0
Exposure 1/160th second
No flash
ISO = 800


  1. I like the drama of this image.

  2. It looks so somber & ominous to me, as perhaps it should. I'm amazed you got this w/out a flash & WB on daylight. There must have been more light there than I remember to get that shutter speed. Cool image.

  3. Shutter speed seemed strange to me too, so I doubled checked the data again this morning and it definitely reads 1/160 . I think I was set to spot metering and the spot was on the light behind the window. Let's just call it dumb luck (like a lot of my better pics.) :-)
